Monday, October 1, 2012

Ramadhan decoration at the mall 2012

ramadhan decoration at the mall

jakarta, 2012, #latepost

Pacific Place

Pondok Indah Mall 2

Gandaria City

Senayan City


Plaza Senayan

Kota Kasablanka

PIM2 (imho) got the best decoration if it's not some kind of candy advertisement .. but still the arabian night theme with huge arabian mansion decorated with candy need a lot of hard work. well done.

random pics.. enjoy!

Trip ke Jepang dengan Budget 10 Juta-an

Mungkin banyak yg bisa lebih hemat, tapi bisa trip  sendiri ke Negeri Sakura dengan budget 10 jutaan aja saya udah seneng bangett *insert em...