Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas decorations at the mall, South Jakarta 2011

Dekorasi natal di sejumlah mall Jakarta Selatan (dan pusat) 2011.

All I want for christmas is..those breath-taking decorations! :*

December is my favorit month of the year, not just because it's my birthday-month, but also because of these gorgeous gorgeous decorations at those malls in jakarta.. wish I could see christmas decorations in New York one day #ameenpanjaannnggg

..sama kayak tahun lalu, post kali ini hanya mau memperlihatkan sejumlah foto dekorasi di sejumlah mall di jakarta ..well actually yang sempet didatengin doang..heuheuheu..

Well..this is it!

1. Cilandak Town Square, Citos

Giant Christmas tree @ Citos, 2011

2.Gandaria City

3. Pondok Indah Mall

4. Plaza Senayan

Merry Winter Wonderland! My favorite! :)

5. Senayan City

6. Pacific Place

7. Grand Indonesia

Merry Xmas and happy new year everyone :) #latepost

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